You're not alone

By Collared

Where does this path lead to?

Life is never a straight path; we start off in one direction with the intent to get to an end, a straight path, the shortest route in life, the easy path.

But as we set out and we look back on where we have come from, maybe a place that we are glad to get away from, you never know where that path will lead you. It may at times bring you back to your past, to places and things that you thought that you had left behind.

God has a funny way of using us to do his work. It may not be an easy and direct route that we envisioned, it may very well have U turns or double backs to the very beginnings of our journey. It may bring back terrible times that we want to leave behind.

Although we may find things in our life that are tragic, there are also the joys to look back on. And no matter what our journey so far has entailed, we should always reflect that in many instances things happen to us good and bad and it is what we do with what has happened to us in our life to enrich ourselves and help others who may have taken the same path as us.

Don't look back with sadness, nor if your life takes a turn back out of your control, but look for the positive so that you can turn it around for you and others.

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