You're not alone

By Collared


People in life are what they always seem. We make judgments based upon what we see people do, the way that they act.

Many times in life we may be right and that's fine. But there are times in life when we get it wrong, because we don't know all the facts, or we see someone react or behave in a way that may not be their normal behavior and so we misjudge them and then make things even worse by not being there for them, or worse saying things about them that may be totally wrong.

Before we react, make judgments or event talk about others in a way that can be damaging to them, we need to take a step back in life, look at the picture in more depth and see what's really going on. Its then that we can make a better judgment and see people as they really are, not what we think they are and then really be a friend and help them.

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