You're not alone

By Collared

Manna from Heaven

Food from Heaven!

If you're a South Londoner, your will know what this is. It's the famous Pie, Mash and Liquor and tradition that many South Londoners were brought up on.

It's a food that feed us and nourished us. It helped us to grow big and strong.

But food is not the only thing that we need in life to help s to grow big and strong. We also need the love of others, guidance in our lives and need to be needed ourselves as we mature and help others to grow big and strong.

There is also the spiritual food, the manna from Heaven that God provides to his people. Through our love of God, our worship and praise we can be given that chance in life to be nourished through our faith in God.

Don't let food be your only nourishment in life, but take time out, say a prayer to God and ask for him to nourish you, especially in the dark times when food is just not enough, not even Pie, Mash and Liquor.

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