Life thru a looking glass

By DebbieB


Oh my god.... what a day!

After a hellish night last night, up for a good hour and a half from 1.30am -the Munchkin has just about driven me crazy today!

He has done nothing but, scream, cry and tantrum all day! Another day of refusing to be put in his cot for his nap which is so frustrating when you have a load of stuff to get done. I'm putting it down to him teething. Finally when he was in a deep enough sleep I laid him on my bed so I could start sorting my wardrobe out - BIG MISTAKE!

Of course only got half way through when he woke up and then obviously couldn't finish....... clothes, shoes, bags - everywhere!!

Anyway bobbed out to a little playground a few minutes down the road for some fresh air, he had a little go on the swings & slide. Took a few quick abstract shots of the playground. House looked like an absolute bombsite so this is all I've had chance to do - not the best but hey!

Please let tomorrow be a much better day!

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