Muddy Adventures!

By TheFarmersWife


after a hectic few days with TB testing, lambing starting, children off school poorly, puppy training, pony duties and VAT returns I could have done with an early night tonight. But no, I had a school fundraiser.
I was a lot little nervous as it was a completely new one to us, i have recently joined the fundraising committeen and waded in with new ideas and hoped they wouldn't backfire. Every year our school holds a very successful little horse show. It is our biggest fundraiser. I suggested we hold a tack sale to go hand in hand with it. I know the parents get fed up of beong dragged along to another bingo/quiz/fete and thought maybe it would be more fruitful to look elsewhere for fundraising. So lots of facebook advertising and stressing later we had our tack sale. I sold 20 stalls easily at £5 each. charged £1 each for anyone over 12 to come in and we shold tea, coffee & bacon rolls.
It was fab, over 115 buyers through the door in our 2 hour sale and nearly £300 for the school. I'm sure the school will moan about the smell tomorrow, a mixture of horsepoo, leather & bacon but I feel happy with a good job done.
After returning tonight at 10pm I took a walk throught he sheep and helped a lovely old girl have two pretty black lambs. they are now tucked up in bed, well ina lambing pen cosy and snug.

as for me, I hear my bed calling...... listen... it's fairly loud.... I'm sure you can hear it too.......

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