Fun in the Fens

By Jimbofin

Sally's Hole take 1000 and summat

A ho hum kind of day.

I had to wait in for Tom the plumber, who turned up on time ...but then had to pop away for two hours to pick up the parts. The two hours turned out to be six, which destroyed any chance of getting to Focus on imaging, or a decent bike ride.

In any case my day was wasted thanks to yet another attempt to get decent monochrome prints out of my Canon MP610 printer.

A long time ago I had a flat with a studio space, and one of the luxuries I allowed myself was an A3 Epson printer dedicated to black and white with Permajet inks. It was one of the things that had to go as part of adapting to family life.

Since then printers seem to have proliferated through the house, but they are all cheap and cheerful models bought for homework from the days before wi-fi printing. The MP610 isn't bad for lot's of things, but B&W prints always have a magenta tint, so I stopped printing in B&W because it annoyed me enough. The wife has been nagging since before Xmas for a wall of family photos so I've had to give in but it has been a nightmare, especially since the lighting where she wants to mount them exacerbates the problem. I've spent 12 hours with a colourmunki trying to get an acceptable output. The results are just about OK in sunlight but not in situ. I must have used £20 worth of ink and paper to get to this stage.

On top of all that I've reviewed yesterday's shots and got annoyed with myself, and I've struggled to take anything interesting today. Oh yes, and sixty seconds after taking this picture I got caught in a hailstorm.

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