Mother Comfort's Art

A 'business meeting' between the Sheepish Contraptioneer and the Innkeeper's wife. The subject?

~~~What is the next step after you invite your mother to live with you??~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~And she says 'yes'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

No doubt, many people in blipland have answered that question for themselves in the past. I'm happy to say, it was a productive meeting at the dining room table. A plan was made outlining what must happen and in what order it must happen, to do our best to ensure that Mother Comfort is surrounded by family for the rest of her days. The rest is steady plodding ahead and taking action.

After much deliberation, and realizing that Mother Comfort is really, truly afraid to be alone...and that trying to support her plan to be home from across town is just a bad idea at this point, we have come to the decision of inviting her to live with us.

After making the practical plans regarding preparing her home for the next phase, our home for the next phase, and hiring care givers, the natural path our conversation took was toward her wonderful artwork and how she and us will be surrounded by it. It will be a delight to see her and her art every day!

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