Mediocrity Photography

By EqoZ

Great smile, dad!

Continuing the family vacation in Wisconsin Dells from yesterday, I pestered my family with being their own personal paparazzi. They tolerated my constant snapping pictures pretty well, and I hope that halfway-decent pictures like this make up for the bother.

My best shots came from a telephoto lens, sniping shots of people laughing and interacting with each other. This way they didn't have me right in their faces, feeling self-conscious. The downside - a whole lot of shots that don't turn out for various reasons: someone had their tongue sticking out, someone blinked, smiles didn't sync up perfectly. Frustrating in its own way (rapid photo-taking is a blessing here), but the few gems that come out of it are well worth the effort.

My dad and my step-mom, in a wonderful happy moment. Fortunately, it is not a rarity.

This vacation was in memorial of our loved ones that had passed away, most recently my Great-Aunt. There are others more removed that passed away more immediately too - a co-worker's Father, and a cousin's family friend - I hope the spirit of the weekend was able to touch them too, even if they weren't there. They were all in my thoughts.

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