Hearts and - er, spikes

Looking at recent blips of mine I thought that my journal needed a bit of colour, so here we are again in the Royal Arcade. It's a beautiful small shopping arcade and for me the architecture far outstrips what any of the shops have to offer.

I do find the anti-pigeon spikes a bit disturbing though ....

Final day of the exhibition tomorrow. Here you can see those of my photos that are on display and for sale - there are more, but they are in a box on a table for people to riffle through. One photo has been sold from the box, and one from the wall. Let's hope there's a last minute rush tomorrow.

My next plan is that I'm going to give selling at Art on the Railings another go - it's a council run initiative where on the last weekend of the month artists can hang and offer their artwork for sale from the railings of St Peter Mancroft church bang in the middle of the city centre. I've done this once before and made a few sales.

Shami Chakrabarti was great last night - told a lovely story about how the National Council for Civil Liberties (which is now Liberty) was formed in 1934 by a group of concerned individuals who met in the crypt of a church in London and wrote a strong letter to the Manchester Guardian saying that they had formed an association which was going to keep watch on matters of civil liberty (or words to that effect). Ah, the power of the people.

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