A year of adventure

By sjones

Days 49 to 55

Wednesday 23 November:
Today we did paperwork in the day and did some more of the brochure. Then this evening some of the guys came to the club for the sports evening and then hung around and chatted to us and had a few drinks. Then a few more people came over and they finally all went home at about 11.30. It was a nice chilled evening though.

Thursday 24th November:
Today we did more of the brochure, as we have a meeting with Will on Monday and we won't have time to do any more of it over the weekend. We went and took photos of the low ropes course as well. We didn't get up to much else today.

Friday 25th November:
Today was the school children's play as it is the end of the school year over here. So they had this at the club. We went over before and after to speak to people and to sort things out, as the children all belong to the land owners, rangers and managers from the reserve. While they had the play we came back over to the house and sorted things out and did some more paperwork. Then this afternoon we went back over to the club and began to sort things out ahead of the function tomorrow. It took a long time to get everything sorted out and as the tables are very heavy it took a while to get them placed where we wanted them. Then this evening some people came over to have a braai and play tennis, so we sat and chatted to them for a while and then when they left we closed the club up and came home.

Saturday 26th November:
Today was the WESSA Rhino function. So Stacey and I got up at 6am so that we could finish sorting everything out in the hall ahead of the people arriving. We just got finished before the first people arrived, as they were early.The function went really well, there were 70 people there. We had lasagnes made in Grahamstown and then made the salads to go with them and then fruit salad for dessert. Everything went smoothly and they really enjoyed themselves. They went on a short walk into the reserve after lunch and then went home. They left at about 5, so it wasn't too late. Then Stacey and I came back to the house and watched films and relaxed, as we were exhausted.

Sunday 27th November:
We have had a fairly chilled day today after the madness of yesterday. We did some paperwork and then relaxed and watched films. We had one of the rangers come and join us for supper, as he had been on leave and we hadn't seen him for a while. Then we watched a couple of films and then at about 10.30 he left and we went to bed.

Monday 28th November:
Today we finished up some of the things we had been doing and went and sorted out a few things at the club after the function.

Tuesday 29th November:
At lunchtime today we got a call to say that some guys wanted to come and have a few drinks at the club, they were friends of a guy who works at Leeuwenbosch. They were youngish guys, in their early 20's some South Africans and then some Aussies as well. They were good fun, they stayed for a couple of hours and then they went to go on game drive, but invited us to join them at Leeuwenbosch this evening for a few drinks. Will came through for a meeting at 3.30, it was meant to be earlier, but it has been so hot today that it got delayed. The meeting went on until 7.30 in the end, as we were brainstorming things for the club and it got quite involved. Then we went with Will to Leeuwenbosch. Some of the rangers came over as well, so it was good fun and we had a laugh.

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