Thank You Too

At the age of three or so my grandparents bought me a toy chimp. It had a rubber face, hands and feet and I was smitten from the get go. When they asked me what I wanted to call my 'monkey', I repllied, 'Thank You!'. Apparently, I wouldn't say anything else, so Thank You he stayed.

Over the years, his hands started to disintegrate, from too much love and old age. I taped them up with plasters. When I went to Uni, Thank You ended up in my parents' loft. His face fell apart and I couldn't even bear to look at him so my mum and dad threw him out.

Ever since, I have been looking for a replacement to no avail. My mum and my two nieces have joined the hunt, also unsuccessfully. Then I saw this fella in a shop in Christchurch. I couldn't resist, and with no rubber parts, he's not going to fall apart in a hurry.


So, this is Thank You Too.

Today, I am a sick Barking. I have a tummy bug and feel wiped out. I am probably going to go to school tomorrow as I can still function as a human being. I'm going to try and eat something this evening and then an early night to recharge the batteries.

In other news today, I can now finish my Rubik's cube. I still need the instructions, but am getting faster and more proficient. Next goal, do it without the instructions I've written down.

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