Life on the sofa - chillaxing

Gran and Aunty Joan's last day with us today. They arrived after ten, and Ben spent the whole day in his pyjamas playing with them! I managed to have a bath this morning (I thought ooh I'll use that bath bomb that Ben chose for me! It turned out to be oil based and was NOT what I wanted for a please get me clean quick bath. Had to empty the bath, clean the bath, clean me off where I'd already been sitting in the (beautifully scented!) oily water, re-fill the bath and finally get back in. Hugely irritating) and thankfully Steve caught Charley at just the right moment to wrap him up, and Charley had a lovely long sleep on him so I wasn't rushed. Wonderful!

Another exciting thing that happened today was that my referral for dental treatment under sedation came through. And it's not a 40 minute drive away, and I don't have to wait months either - it's a week on Monday, in Steyning next to Steve's work!! Waheyyy! Gosh I nearly cried with relief. I might see if I can register there to be honest, it's far easier than getting to Shoreham. And there's no parking problems either :)

So, we've played all day, got 3 loads of washing done and dried, and a 4th is rinsing. We've eaten, survived another slightly scary (1.1) hypo, said our goodbyes and then I went to bed with the boys. Charley evidently remembered me leaving him in bed yesterday evening and decided to not let me go this evening to make sure I didn't leave him again. I brought him down with me instead. Ah well.

I went off to do the washing up and he started crying loudly. Screamed through a nappy change and being changed into pyjamas but as soon as his feet were in, he stopped crying and started smiling! And then proceeded to tell me ALL about today! Very expressive, he was. Oww. I think he might be trying to tell me something's going on in his mouth. He just shoved my thumb in his mouth and bit down. (And then tried to eat my hand.) He does get a sort of mad scientist look going on sometimes, looks like he's on the brink of a major new discovery and his eyes are almost popping out of his head with excitement as he's telling you all about it!

More life on the sofa from today. Some nice ones of the boys in the photostream.

We might go to bed now and set an alarm to wake us up for Aunty Ruthie's arrival at twenty to one......

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