Beer O'clock

Well there you go, the Motatapu over for another year.

I'm a bit shagged so I'll fill in the gaps (and training tips for myself) tomorrow.

Anyway, my GPS tells me I did it in 2 hours 49 for the 47km, however, for some reason the provisional results, that are not yet online, suggest differently. Whatever, it was about 3 hours which was my target, so I am mostly happy. But, I certainly struggled thru, especially the first 20km, and didn't feel that great. Plus I got my eating/drinking a little wrong.

So, lessons learned which is what it was about, that'll I'll expand on tomorrow, along with adding the official time :
* endurance seems fine
* need more strength (up hills)
* need to work on my back, was sore almost immediately
* need less sweet nutrition, gels are great, but the sweetness in the end was too much for me, I need to mix it up
* I have a lot of work to do for the next race, it's twice as long with more hills ... gulp!

Anyway, regardless, it was a great day and the result was what I was aiming for, so all good really. As usual, the scenery was stunning, the track was great, there were loads of river crossing, and I didn't fall off one. Super!

Sooo looking forward to crashing into bed, just a tad tired ... ;-)

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