
By Hayls

Fort Fun...

...made from every soft toy, cushion, pillow and soft furnishing available.

We're having a housey day today. Boys were having fun in the fort but they're now not talking to each other for some obscure reason that I can't quite work out. Hubby's decorating their play room which is going reasonably well if you ignore the fact he descended his stepladders and placed a foot square into his paint tray. Unhappy hubby.

As for me, I'm rejoicing in the fact that I have no hangover after my night out last night. I believe I may have been a bit of a disappointment to the harder drinkers amongst my friends and I am slightly shame-faced about how early I left, especially as so many people turned up (thank you if any of you read this!). But, as the song sort of goes - it's my party and I'll leave if I want to!

Having no hangover I was able to drive first thing this morning, so hopped in the car to Lidls in Ruchill in Glasgow. I like to get there early before it gets busy and slightly scary. I don't often go to Lidls because I'd hate to ever become jaded by the sight of coin collectors briefcases, horse blankets and scuba diving equipment sitting alongside the baked beans, spuds and bread. Lidls will remain my rare treat!

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