Some colour came back

It's been a much better day today.

I woke up before 10 am. First weekend in a long time since that has happened.
I wanted to go out.

My boys accommodated my sudden urge to go out and play. We drove over to Crosby beach to fly kites and walk amongst the ever expanding dunes.

James turned into a proper little adventure boy and went climbing and mooching. He entertained me with impressions of my favourite physicist, drawing diagrams in the sand and providing commentary in a proper northern accent about the size of the galaxy and other such stuff.

We had ice-cream.

Then Corin drove us home, and James and I slept all the way back.

Plenty of photos - this was my favourite - a bit of a 'trippy' sky from a filter I used, but James standing in isolation on top of the dune captured what I felt I needed today - to be out with people, but to be able to be alone too.

Objective achieved.

The rest are here

Now, just waiting for Coq au Vin, homemade chunky chips and fresh crusty french bread....and a glass of wine.

Physically, I know that I am not going to feel better for a while, but mentally, I feel like I am more like me today - I hope that this will continue and that maybe the stupid hormones/chemicals that I have been filling myself with (on instruction) are the things that have been messing with my head, my sleep patterns and my general attitude that everything is crap. Because I know it isn't.

Thanks James and Coz - it was breezy but very nice to be out with you both.

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