The Daily Record

By havohej

Happy Birthday King Of Blip!

It may have been nearly two weeks before, but everybody finally got together at Castle Blip to celebrate the King's 10/40th birthday. A typically great night at Joe's gaff surrounded by familiar and friendly faces.

To honour the man in question a special gift would have to procured. And procured it was.

Hardfloor recently celebrated two decades, half of the mighty Tree's age, of rib cage rattling 303 acid abuse and it seemed fitting to combine these two fine achievements.

Luckily Ralf, operator of Hardfloor's amazing web shop, and brother, I think, of one half of Hardfloor, was a most charming and accommodating German gent who sorted out the pressie.

So Happy Birthday Joe from me and the Hardfloor dudes! Peace.

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