A place in time

By Verbosa


Well, here we are in New York!

The first required stop is, of course, Macy's. Personally, I found Macy's to be a great store, more like one of our Debenhams stores, with a great selection in every department.

Naturally, I had to have a look at the ladies fashions floor (sorry, that should be FLOORS, as there were several of them, but I digress...). Anyway, I came across a huge range of heavily discounted Calvin Klein articles and managed to pick up 3 items for a song.

I was helped by the lovely Silvia in the photo, who happily posed for me when I told her why I wanted to take her photo. She was a terrific saleswoman - just the right side of helpful, extremely friendly yet not pushy. She ought to get their "Staff of the Day" award!

It was a wet day, and (you've guessed it) someone forgot to pack their brolly. So a further purchase was necessary. Of course, the store sold sensibly-sized folding umbrellas...but yours truly wanted something a bit different. And I found it. A black, "traditional" (i.e. long) brolly with a handle shaped like a CUTLASS! Great fun.

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