A place in time

By Verbosa

The Lorax

A fantastically busy day in NY today...

A trip on the subway to visit B&H (Mr A will probably tell you about this - the biggest camera shop in the WORLD), then onwards to Ground Zero, where we passed a pasta & salad bar proclaiming that their salads were "tossed to order" (very nearly the blip of the day).

We toddled around Wall Street in the biting cold wind - those straight "blocks" in NY certainly allow the wind the blow! On the other hand, we were not aware of any exhaust fumes from all the traffic, presumably for the same reason - the wind can whistle along all the straight roads and blow all the pollution away?

A very sobering time viewing the visitor centre at Ground Zero, although we didn't get to go on the guided tour as that needed to be booked in advance (which we didn't realise) or else you could walk a few blocks further to buy the tickets and come back for the tour...but we had been walking all day and were shattered, so the thought of walking further still was too much.

Then we headed back towards Times Square and had a meal in a Vietnamese restaurant, which was fantastic.

A quick stop-off in the M&M store was a must, since it was opposite our hotel. But oh my goodness - it was so busy, so loud and so full of M&Ms in industrial-sized tubes, sorted by colour, that you would not believe! There must have been about 40 different colour M&Ms (hope Mr A publishes his snap of them).

But on the way back to the hotel I spotted this sign, beautifully lit up in the evening light. The Lorax was released in the States today - 2nd March. It's one of my favourite Dr Seuss stories and I desperately want to see this...

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