A catastrophe, clearly

I'm sure I've heard this before, several times in fact. The above story speaks for itself.

Today for some reason of Mountain Standard Time shifting to daylight saving hours proportions, I was up and at em at 5am. The downside, well there actually isn't one. The upside was that my day finished at a very pleasant 1:30pm. I know several people who ar enot morning people or wh oare very much morning people. I think I am one of those annoying people who functions well in the morning and late in the evening.

I actually had three other photos today, but on reflection the parent's consultation/visit to school was more important. The headmistress had a very amusing tale about my mother, with whom she started her career, my mother was her mentor to begin with. Headmistress wanted to know if I was ok to share stories with the girls of course I am delighted if anyone can share tales of her with the kids. It turns out that she was renowned for working in the afternoon without her shoes, she suffered from sore feet and therefore would be found in her tights.

As I pointed out to the Headmistress, as she worked with the infants, they would be less likely to make remarks about Mrs R and her tight wearing antics.


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