What did I see today...?

By DaveR


Low. Flying. Object.

Well Monday proved that if spring has sprung it's also bounced back - nothing but cold mist and grey skies around Cambridge all day. Happily the mist does mean things get shrouded and some fun photos can result when the lights start to come on in the evenings.

Thus, after comprehensively breaking myself at badminton (need new knees!), I decided to cycle back to the new house using the road that passes by the south of the airfield, and it was lit up quite nicely. A small plane did go up while I was cycling but after climbing up it quickly disappeared so that wouldn't have made a good shot.

Of course, there were all these cars zipping past as well...

So a few ill-timed shots later I finally ended up with this one, with the mist enshrouded airport in the background (and all sorts of colour) as what must have been quite a swish car (looking at the lowness of the lights) zoomed past - I really should have looked at it instead of checking the photo straight away!

Tuesday looms large now, with the pub quiz to look forward to - let's hope there's some decent Blipping chances as well!

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