It's Ann's birthday

Today it is Ann's birthday. At her age she was hoping that the day would pass uneventfully. She's also wondering at what age 'middle age' ends and one is just referred to as 'old'?! Oh dear, she can be a bit depressing sometimes. I'm the one who's taking tablets for stiff joints - she's as fit as a fiddle!

Anyway she wasn't working this morning but got a call from the office to see if we were going to pop in. Well, it wasn't on our 'to do' list but Yvonne said there was lots of things waiting for her on her desk. So we went to the bakers and bought a load of cakes. It's tradition at 'St Ives Holidays' to take cakes into the office if it's your birthday but Ann was going to do that tomorrow when she would be there to help eat them?!

There were lots of cards & pressies waiting for Ann so she was very happy. I know where the dog biscuits are kept so I just went and helped myself because nobody was paying me any attention. Then the manager came along and shut the cupboard door so that was the end of that!

Came home and because it was a beautiful sunny day Ann said she was going to start sorting out the sun terrace. I thought that meant she was going to start weeding the pots or painting the decking?! To be fair I think that was her intention, but once she got out there, she sat down in a deckchair, rolled up her trousers legs and took off her cardigan. And then she didn't move for two hours?!

After two hours she was starting to look a bit like a tomato or beetroot or shrivelled up prune. She said, 'Do you fancy going to Penzance Molly?' Well I didn't, 'cos I know that 'going to Penzance' means I have to wait in the car. Unfortunately I didn't have a choice in the matter because the next thing I know, I'm being put in the car because Ann wanted to buy herself a birthday present. She's bought this summer dog walking jacket. She loves it 'cos it's got lots of pockets for her phone, camera, poo bags, etc.

Then I got taken to the river at St Erth for my walk. That was fun. I had ever such a nice play with my yellow bouncy ball - until Ann threw it into a load of reeds and then I couldn't find it. I searched & searched but it had completely disappeared. I was sooo upset but Ann says it wasn't my fault and she has given me a new blue bouncy ball for the next time I go out to play.

So; that's how we've spent Ann's birthday?! She was hoping she could have a couple of glasses of wine on the sun terrace but it's gone a bit cold now.

Not sure what she's doing tonight - alcohol & food have been mentioned ............................I'm wondering if that means I'm going to be left 'home alone'?!

Ann says 'Thank you' to all her blip friends, facebook friends & real life friends for all the cards, pressies, texts & emails. She is a very lucky girl today. ......................In fact I'm feeling a bit neglected so am sulking on the sun terrace!!!!!

Look what 'Lily the Lab' has done for me today. I love Blippers!

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