Learning day by day

By EmmaF


After a very restless night and one change of PJ's for William, today wasn't looking like it was going to plan. He had a wobbler on the way to Music Train, which culminated in me taking him back to the car and nearly going home. But we returned and he was fantastic.

He sobbed/sang individually to Peter Puppet and joined in with all the activities. Most amazingly (bearing in mind he is one of the youngest in the class, most of them are three or nearly three) he was the first one to be able to correctly identify the elephant and the donkey music from the Carnival of the Animals. Even the teacher was impressed, she says they normally don't manage that without help until they are in the next class.

Just to see if it was a fluke I played the music in the car on the way to swimming and he could identify the bird, donkey and elephant, all music we have been listen to for the last three weeks. I do love Music Train.

Swimming was interesting. He was quite lazy but enjoyed it despite telling me he was getting out three times. After Easter he is moving up to join in with the two three year old girls in the next class. It means I don't have to get in (hurray!), but they are more advanced than him so we will have to wait and see how it goes. Lots of practice between now and then I feel.

The afternoon consisted of Mummy running around town, realising he had fallen asleep and thinking the only thing that would wake him was the soft play and the promise of a cake. So we spent a lovely hour and a half running around (once he woke up properly), eating cake and Will played with the doll house for ages.

Carys came home, did her homework and then very proudly showed William all the stars in her homework book and all the stickers on her sticker chart. Poor boy, he'll be under no pressure from his sister then when he goes to school!

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