Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Bridge Street

Quick shot of one of the streets in Hitchin as I was charging back to the car so as not to be late for school pick up.

This morning I went to the gym, had to do a short quick run as I was late leavig William in the creche. I always seem to run late on a Friday. 10.30 circuits and I was the only one who turned up, so it turned into 30minutes of personal training. I'm not sure the guy knows quite what to make of me as I mutter under my breath, have no balance or co-ordination, have the most pathetically weak arms (particularly my left), strong, incomparison, legs and don't complain about it hurting or about being tired. I actually really enjoyed doing something different, although I do like circuits, but am worried about whether I will be able to move on Sat or Sunday.

Took William to the soft play in the afternoon at his request. He is getting so confident and goes off on his own more and more. He doesn't, however, like leaving, hence this shot in a hurry on the way to get Carys. She was very excited as she managed to get all her spellings correct again for the third week in a row. The house points she has got have now helped her house out of bottom place. Not competitive at all my girl!

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