
By nate29482


What a great today was. I slept slept slept until like 2pm and later Matt came over and we to the beat kitchen where I got my new favorite, the beat salad. Then we worked out (Kenpo) and since it's been 6 days since the last time it was pretty rough to get back into it, but very much needed.

He was intrigued by all the NES games I had laying around so he wanted to start up an RPG for the system, but we settled on a Zelda game for the gamecube. It's been a long time since I've played a long game like this, but I remember loving it years ago so I'm curious to see how this will pane out. Yep, the ladies were beating down my door once the news spread about my Friday night.

My blip is of my latest gift to myself (aren't I generous). It's a Rado watch that I've wanted for years, but could never justify the expense. Recently I met a goal of mine so I figured why not (what a justification). Unfortunately though the battery on my camera died so I had to settle for this subpar picture.

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