
By Naturelover

The Royal

This morning Al and I left before sunrise to drive across the state of Michigan for his job. He was teaching a group of people how to use the software he and his partner had written, so I dropped him off and went on to a little casino by myself.

Now, you all are going to think I spend way too much time gambling, but the truth is, I hardly ever do this any more!! But today, I'm glad I did, because as I was sitting there by myself playing video poker , I hit the best poker hand you can possibly have!

Those who play video poker know how extremely rare a royal flush is. I at least was playing a decent amount per hand, and I won 4000 nickels! Not really alot of cash, but I was using what I had won last trip, and added over $100.oo to it by the end of my day.

I went back and picked Al up...he had a successful day teaching, too, and we headed for wallyball.

A wonderful time was had by all.

Thank you to everyone for yesterday's comments, stars and desire to join me in my kayak adventures. Wish you all could come!!!
Now I'm too tired to even lift a paddle...two and a half hours of non-stop action on the wallyball court.
Hope to catch up with everyone tomorrow!!

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