when problems become an art form

Pollen season has started and my skin FREEEAAAKED out. It wasn't settled after The Nut Event and the innocent grains of pollen floatin' around at the moment are causing some problems....this wonderful skin art was caused by the sleeve of my jacket being blown against my arm whilst I was cycling.

I used to be ashamed of this kind of reaction and hide it - but, there's nothing much I can do about it and anyway, if I hide it, no one will know why I'm squirming around in my chair like a *politically INcorrect word deleted*
(just so you know, it's because my skin is doing a good impression of what it would feel like to sit in an ant's nest, which, after a while is a bit of a pain....literally)

Anyway, I've discovered some cool things....like this, for example. Not everyone can do that....maybe I'll be giving it a try and learning to embrace the pollen season as a chance to have fun with body art. Maybe.

But right now I'm going to do the Friday night toss up between opening a bottle of wine or downing an extra-strong antihistamine.....

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