Looking Forward...

By Fiono

Toastie Bar

Tonight I was giving out free toasties to students outside the Union with some of the CU (plus some extra help from Glasgow and Cale). We normally do this on a Tuesday but since it's St Paddy's weekend we're making an extra special effort tonight and tomorrow to serve the students on campus and care for them as God does - with a nice warm toastie in the early hours of the morning.

This is tonight's team preparing all the toasties before we went out. Although it was a bit quiet there were some really good discussions had. It's so exciting seeing God at work in the lives of the folk we talk to.

I've not been able to do toastie bar since last semester because of an early start on a Wednesday this semester and I've really missed serving on the team. It felt so strange doing it on a Friday rather than a Tuesday!

"So shall My word be which goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me empty, without accomplishing what I desire, and without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it,"
Isaiah 55:11

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