snapped by a curious mind

By iphigenie


All right another dog blip - we went to the lovely farmers' market in Otley and then for a walk but I was so in the moment I forgot to take pictures - so at home it was either a box of eggs or the dog. I might do the box of eggs tomorrow.

Her previous owner told us that no, pippi has never been fed from the table - but certainly when we cook or eat (or do almost anything) she has to come and sniff - especially if it smells strong.

So when we are eating she doesnt beg, but sooner or later we will feel this nose coming up to get as good a sniff as she can. We might have to try to train that out of her, but it is kind of cute so I tried to blip it. Pippi was not impressed by the flash.

But then we were not impressed by her eating some of our homemade bread this morning - my fault for leaving it out instead of putting it back in the bread box - so we are even ;)

PS: the flash meant that for a little while after it i could just point my camera at her to make her go away... not a good result in the long term but in the short term rather funny - 2 days here and already she is going "no, not another picture!"

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