blink and miss

By boxgirl

Portobello Beach....

Had a busy day today...

1st stop was a drive into Edinburgh to collect a brochure from a small travel agents, been into all the larger ones and found them to be useless unless you want to go to Disney or somewhere you can cook yourself to death on a beach.... so now we are armed with all the info we need to plan our trip to Iceland for my 40th in September.... maybe life begins at 40 after all!!

Then we had to do the dreaded Mothers Day present shopping... should've just got flowers and been done with it, but as a florist it just never felt like there was any thought involved.. but we eventually found something for our Mums.. think Hubbys patience was frayed to it's absolute limits by the end of the day though...

Had a nice stroll along Portobello beach on the way home, well as nice as it possibly could be with a sulky man accompanying me, should've left him at home today I think, but he has a Mum too, so if I have to have the stress of the shops then so should he! lol

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