The second half of life..

By twigs


You've met him/her before and still s/he can be found in amongst my (starting to recover) basil plants.

Today though, I thought he had died - it seemed such a like a limp, lifeless wee body that was lain on the soil, long legs spread, body flat.  I reached and touched and up popped the head.  I wondered if he was weak from a lack of food maybe so I gently picked him up and moved him to a scabiosa plant where there is usually a plentiful supply of aphids to feed on.  Initially he sat - maybe in mortified fear - on the top of the flower but by the time I'd popped in to get my camera he'd turned tail, as it were, and was hanging under the flower.

He didn't seem too interested in eating so, after about 10 minutes, I gently picked him up and placed him back on his basil plant.  When I came out about an hour later I saw he was again lying flat on the surface in what looked like a corpse position but later again, I found him shuffling around the plant.  Maybe mantises actually do lie down to rest???

In other news - camper van paid for - should have it in my possession on Tuesday or Wednesday.  Woo hoo!!

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