
By MaybeDailyBob

Winchester College

Wonderful blue sky this morning, wasted cleaning the kitchen. Then as we were about to go out the rain came. In the end it cleared and we walked along the water meadows into the city, browsed the art market and Jane found a present for her sister.
A choice of photos today. A close up of a pink camellia (bought at last the farmers market last week), the statue of King Arthur, dog in the river or a close up of a white camellia near the Cathedral. In the end I went for this following a quick family consultation. In a few weeks this view will be obscured by the leaves on the trees. I like the contrast in the trees framing the tower, the warm of the stone and the grey threatening clouds.
Spent a little while in the garden moving some strawberry plants to a new bed and putting the surplus plants on the front wall; I hope someone will find a home for them. Planted broad bean seeds and prepared a bed for the peas. Makes me realise how unfit I am.
Rosie is back for a flying visit tonight. She had an exam this morning (wine) then to Leeds to pick her friend and then the drive down here. In the morning I am playing taxi and taking them to Gatwick for their flight to Toronto.

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