Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Aliens - not in my back yard

"Henderson," he called, "you saw that shooting star last night?"

"Well?" said Henderson.

"It's out on Horsell Common now."

"Good Lord!" said Henderson. "Fallen meteorite! That's good."

"But it's something more than a meteorite. It's a cylinder--an artificial cylinder, man! And there's something inside."
- HG Wells' War of the Worlds

This is Horsell Common, five minutes drive from where I live. There are no aliens there at the moment, although some of the dogs and their owners are decidedly odd (in the sense you will recognise if you have ever seen the Men In Black movies).

TSM's mothers day consisted of scrambled eggs, Sunday papers, a present, and a typically idiosyncratic card from The Dizzle, as well as a surprise appearance from The Girl Racer. In the afternoon we got out in the sun and went for a walk on said Horsell Common, which was rather lovely. The Smiling Giant slept through all this having come home with the dawn chorus after a night spent making personal inspections of London's pubs and clubs.

TSM isn't very good at relaxing so we also went shopping and she is currently helping The Dizzle with his revision. I hope to get her to actually put her feet up for the rest of the day ... we'll see.

As for my mother I took her shopping yesterday and she let me buy her a cookery book and a pair of slippers as a Mother's Day present. Will give her a call later.

Aged P is one of the reasons I am so relaxed about living in the UKs very own Area 51. They wouldn't dare try it. She used to be a school playground supervisor. One yell from her and they will get back in their spaceships and flee ...

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