Adventures of a Cov Kid

By AdyBlyth

Mondays get me down - but doughnuts make me smile

Let's face it - Mondays - unless your not in work - are pretty shit - and it's safe to say today has certainly lived up to the 'shit monday' tag.

After a really nice weekend my happiness bubble was burst at exactly 9.01 when the phones in my office started flashing with calls waiting - and didn't stop until early afternoon when I got to go on my lunch break.

I often sit and daydream about jobs that involve little or no effort at all - you know - the ones like walking round in a costume handing out leaflets or polishing stairs in office buildings. Sure - to many people this would sound like an uninspiring career choice but I'm pretty sure they go home and don't moan about what a tough day it's been.

Maybe I need to think about moving into these lines of work.......

Anyway - I'm sure your wondering about the picture - well - Gemma has a week off work so she took a shopping trip into town to get a few bits and pieces with her mum - she met me for a bit and had brought me a Krispy Kreme doughnut - which I won't lie - was the best part of my whole day.

I'm writing this now on the train home - and after looking through my emails have noted there is a groupon voucher for a course to get into designing apps for iPhone and android.

I'm no computer whizz but surely this could be a money making option!

Tonight will be spent with a note book and thoughts on what apps the world is missing!

Oh - and I nearly forgot -

Yesterday I had a cheeky bet (or 8) and won over £120 - see - weekends rule over weekdays everytime!

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