Living in Manchester

By Theboysmum

Another building?!!

I pass this on the way back from work.
It just looks so irrisitably sweet and sort of, hemmed in.

Was back at work today. Still feeling a bit ill and unfortunately for everyone else that translated into tired and grumpy.

They are having a new laminate floor put down in reception. I asked the very nice man who was doing the work for a few tips while I made him a cup of coffee. (I need to put a floor down in the loft bedroom at Easter)

It is amazing what can be accomplished with bribery, a smile and the flash of a well turned ankle (I find shoes with a decent heel most effective for the last bit).

As well as useful practical info on the best way to put down flooring I now have his account details at a joiners and permission to use his account to obtain discount on my purchase!

City have just scored to take the score to 2-1 against Chelsea!!
...And the crowd goes wild.........

Altogether quite a productive day.

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