Living in Manchester

By Theboysmum

HELP - lost in headache city.......

What a day

Bearing mind I am still REALLY ill. (and no one cares :-( )
I was woken up at 3.41am - Yes in the MORNING by the geriatric cat crying and bawling like the banshee of the west.

She is over 18 and should know better gets very confused about things like if it's day or night, where she is, where her food is, if she has eaten, etc etc etc.
I got up, put the light on for her, showed her the food in her bowl, stroked her and went back to bed.
When I got up two hours later feeling shit very tired, she had rewarded me by using the large plant pot in the dining room as a toilet. There was poo and soil all over the place!!!!

A lovely sunny day spent at work was followed by trailing round the Traff with #3boy to buy clothes (for him).
For your information the Traff is known to everyone except the local teenage population as the Trafford Center.
Shopping with my Golden Child involves being dragged round lots of jarringly colourfull shops playing disturbingly loud music generating a throbbing headache. (See above photo of said child in shop as described)
It is usually done at a fast canter and the spending of VAST amounts of MY money is obligatory.
I am now exhausted and broke.

To top it all when we got home he asked me 'Why is the cat's fur so soft? She dosen't even use conditioner. Have you ever even washed her? It's magic!'

You couldn't make this stuff up.

Good night all and God give me strength!!!!!

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