
By treegonk

Fatal Attraction

A little bit of research... It's not fully understood why insects are attracted to light sources. Some say it is because they use the moon or rays from the sun to navigate. Others say it is because they see different wavelengths of light and get confused by artificial light sources.

Insect vision is not completely understood in the scientific world and there seem to be no clear explanations about why moths and flies make a bee line (oops) for lights.

These poor things were attracted to this light bulb on a desk lamp. (one of the energy saving fluoro bulbs) It seems they are so attracted or confused that they give up their lives to be close to it.

I do clean my place (sometimes). - I just never thought of looking inside this lamp before, but quite glad I didn't hoover up these bugs before their colour was bleached out of them and they became almost a negative version of their former selves.

Poor wasps n bugs.

(I need a macro lens)

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