Pelican Problems

I was having a good time photographing 3-4 pelicans as the waves slammed into the concrete pilings. I was flush against a sand erosion tube, and 2 feet away from a small (1 foot) dropoff to the ocean. The old man came, and stood right in front of me, even as I had the camera pressed against my eye.

At least he was courteous. "Excuse me", he said. I answered back..."That's quite all right. You've got a great head of hair. Do you mind if I include it with the shot of the pelicans?" Come to find out...he wanted his lovely wife to take his picture with the pelicans as the backdrop. After I pushed him off the dropoff, I left.

The sign in the picture seemed to confuse the pelicans. I think they think the sign is for them. There was a buzz in the air. Pelicanese. "Are we being unsafe? Are we diving in with a too reckless abandon? Has anybody checked the depth of the water? What does resume mean?" So many questions.

As I was taking pictures of the birds and the sign...I looked back and saw the model posing for his wife. I couldn't resist, and snapped 4 pictures. I like how she is really getting into the shot. Believe it or wife wanted me to blip the full-sized picture, but I couldn't do it.

Click on LARGE to get a better look at the womans butt mans smile. For taking my shooting spot, I was hoping for a fly-by, and a white bomb drop by one of the pelicans. Didn't happen.

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