
By Skyroad


Another death: my friend Ronan emailed me a few days ago to tell me his mother, Annette, had just died; about a month after my own mother's funeral. 'Such a lot of goodbyes', as he put it. I attended the funeral service, in a lovely snug little church nestled near the Killiney Castle Hotel. Having spent some time with another son, Barry (also a close friend), I gave him a lift to the family home in Killiney. On the way home after midnight I noticed this arrow on the narrow one-way road boarding the steep hill from the coast road. It seemed important somehow, to pull over and take the photograph, even though there was practically no space to park.

The photo above was taken this evening, as myself and a cousin, Niall, headed over to a barbie in Rathfarnham, the first (and quite possibly last) of the season, as I don't often go to barbies. A nice evening, of beer, chat and minute steaks (my own contribution).

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