Ticking Away the Moments

By wiiaholic

Jack Daniels

Saw this bike outside a pub called The Three Horseshoes today, we were there for a little celebration for Ellie-Mae's first birthday.

Originally it was supposed to be coffee and cake at her dad's fire station but he'd forgotten to write it in the book and they got there to find a coffee morning on - he was in serious bad books! However, one of his mates works at the pub so we went round there and sat in the garden in the gorgeous sunshine instead.

Much better idea in fact, the kids ran round on the grass, some of the adults had a drink or two (not the drivers obviously!) and we all sat round watching the birthday girl who was in her element. Her mum (Gary's daughter) made the most amazing cake - see the photo here - she made the whole thing, including the little fairies! It was delicious too, lovely light sponge with buttercream icing.

Gary had to cope with his ex wife and ex mother-in-law both being there, he finds it more stressful than I do, as I get on ok with both of them and have no reason to fall out, whereas he's got history! But it was all very relaxed, lots of photos taken and cake eaten.

The two of us then had a trip into Evesham, wandered round the market, I bought a few plants and Gary bought a fork handle and a thing for scraping weeds out from the paving slabs round the bird table. Now I'm not using weedkiller on them, they've gone mad! Quick coffee then it was home for the first bbq of the year - what a lovely day it has been!

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