The rest of forever...

By DrMac

The end of one chapter...

...always leads to the beginning of another.

This is my second home, the place where I go to train. And this is Jen, my weekend boxing buddy, in full flow during her thai boxing training. We are both trained by James, the guy holding the pads...and today was his last day at work as he is heading off for adventures in warmer climates. It's fair to say that he will be greatly missed, not just by the two of us but by all his clients...and not just for his training methods but for the fact he is a complete loon!

So I took the opportunity to take a few shots during Jen's session...645 shots to be exact! I had difficulty with the light as there were lots of windows and the sunshine was quite hazy, but I absolutely loved having the freedom to click away as they became engrossed in their training session. She is an awesome fighter, absolutely rock hard...I wouldn't mess with her!

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