An Invincible Summer.....

By TheFlipFlopper

Summer's Eve ;)

It was hot today.....almost 20 degrees they said but it felt like so much more.....and everything looked so much more beautiful in the bright sunlight.

My Flip Flops were unprepared for this morning's outing but hopefully tomorrow they will make their 2012 debut.

The usual Saturday stroll through the market would've been incomplete without an ice-cream, so a Mr Whippy with Flake® and all the trimmings was in order.
(Plus after yesterday's life threatening lift scare I think I needed it haha!)

I doubt whether the world holds for any one a more soul-stirring surprise than the first adventure with ice-cream.
~ Heywood Broun

I had always thought that once you grew up you could do anything you wanted - stay up all night or eat ice-cream straight out of the container.
~ Bill Bryson

Ice-cream is exquisite - what a pity it isn't illegal.
~ Voltaire

Happy Saturday everyone and many many more ice-cream days for us all ;)

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