An Invincible Summer.....

By TheFlipFlopper

And so.....

.....the Flip Flop challenge of 2012 begins!

My World Record attempt to wear sandals throughout the year for as long as possible started a few years ago, and in 2010 I achieved my personal best.

All the way from March through to the end of November I wore my Flip Flops.
For 9 months (give or take several days of bad weather) I wore open toed shoes.....the rules are ~ whatever footwear you have on, your toes must be uncovered.....preferably.....more foot than shoe should be on display.

That year however, I was aided by my 9 week holiday to sunnier climes.....the challenge was certainly made easier by the 40 degree heat!
On my return, on the 29th of November, I foolishly had my tanned toes exposed, only to be greeted by the first fall of snow!!!!
But I am a seasoned pro, I came armed with a pair of woolly if you decide to join me in my digit daring quest, always be prepared with a life saving pair of socks in your bag ;)

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