Today - 25/3/2012 - Cameron's 7th Birthday

Seven years ago today, at this time too, I was waiting on the call to tell me whether my daughter had given birth to a boy or a girl. Cameron was was born at 2250 and I think I remember it was after 12 before the call came that we had a brand new grandson. I was over the moon and so happy and desperate to get into the hospital the next day to see him. Perfect little boy and he got his middle name Peter after my dad who is his Great Grandfather.

So, fast forward seven years to today, and with the weather being more like a day in summer than the end of March, the paddling pool came out, garden toys, parasol out to shade from the hot sun, soft drinks to cool off and even had to put sunscreen on my face! Papa constructed a wooden sand pit for Ben that was a present for his first birthday in October. Took a while but it's now finished along with sand in it ready for him tomorrow.

Magnus came along to play with Cameron, and later after tea the chocolate birthday cake that I baked last night was wheeled out for a couple of renditions of Happy Birthday. When I saw this I had to laugh at their smiles, Cameron still has his full set of baby teeth, looking strange in his bigger face and Magnus has lost a few of his. With boys being boys they just had to pull a funny face in front of the camera.

Happy Birthday Cameron my lovely grandson xx.

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