Tarbert Swan

Meant to suggest a wee peek at LARGE, might be worthwhile if you have te time.

Quite a weekend, we headed off early Thursday afternoon to our daughter's to help with more decorating at the new house. Then off to the Under 17 football Scotland V Iceland at Dumbarton's ground. A very enjoyable game withe some very good football, promising for the future. Ended 1-0 for Iceland, could have gone either way.

From there it was downhill all the way as I felt unwell about 4 :00 am on Friday morning and collapsed in the bathroom, one bloody and very sore nose for the weekend !

Friday a complete write off as I was too dizzy to be any way helpful in the decorating department and Saturday was marginally better.

Today much better, a headache didn't stop me going off to our usual Sunday visit to Tarbert where we had a very pleasant meander around the White Beach walk which took us uphill and downhill through the woods and down to the shore.Didn't actually reach the white sandy beach but found the bird hide, no birds anywherenear it but hey ho!

Got loads of interesting blips of the trees and new growth in the forest but it has to be this shot of one of the swans near the pier for tonight's blip. The walkway was quite slimy and slippy with weed but we managed to get down nearer the swans. This is an uncropped shot taken in the late evening light. I didn't hang around for another shot as I reckoned the swan looked a wee bit fierce and I had had enough bad luck for one weekend.

Will try to catch up before I head off to bed for a rest and should be back to my usual self tomorrow when i hope to see more of your journals and possibly back blip a coupleof shots,

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