All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Toys I forgot I had!

Or should that say, toys Ethan forgot he had as they have been stored in the garage all winter and only brought out again today! He had to have a wee play on everything, albeit not for long on any one particular thing.

It's a shame though that for most of today, which was gloriously warm, that he was cooped up indoors. Whatever the bug is that I've got, it has got hold of me good and proper. Another rubbish night for me and I curled up in bed till 2.30pm today, feeling really sorry for myself! Hubbie isn't feeling 100% either so didn't feel up to taking Ethan out anywhere. I felt so sorry for him when I finally emerged and realised what a nice day it was outside.

Granny & Grandpa came over for a few hours in the afternoon and Granny took Ethan for a walk in the pushchair down to Morrisons. I also took him to the playpark on his trike after dinner, so at least he did get some fresh air today.

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