For Now

Two words that, when used together, send chills up my spine.

For + Now = Never

Knowing that things done "for now", when it means getting something accomplished quickly for convenience, often means the foundation will never be properly laid for a peaceful tomorrow, none of Mother Comforts best works will be stored "for now", and all are making their way to the walls of our home, as we prepare for her transition. It may seem, to some, a matter of secondary importance, however these beautiful works have spent almost their entire existence in stacks and boxes, never appreciated, never celebrated, and it just seems wrong to let them languish there any longer.

It is our hope that she will feel a sense of completion when she is able to share her work with visitors, and pause when moving about from one room to the next, to enjoy the beauty that she created.

I long for a sense of organization and completion myself. The truth is, life will continuously present things to be put in order. I am fully aware that when Mother Comfort arrives, most days will be full of surprises and my best laid plans may remain always on the back burner. The sense of beauty and order that these works of art provide will be the backdrop to the temporary chaos that comes when our lives merge. At the end of the day, I can guarantee that I will spend plenty of moments standing and staring at the designs and the rich colors and I will chat with God and tell Him how much I trust Him to restore order to my heart and mind, and then I will sleep and wake to new mercies and do it again.

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