Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Ordinary extraordinary

The people we share our lives with are so remarkable. The Smiling Giant is growing a beard and it so suits him. A little hair can make you look very different; more to the point the personality behind it gets warmer and more engaging every day.

The ordinary is so extraordinary. I suppose that's why I blip.

Good to have The Girl Racer home from Uni for a few days before she goes off skiing again. Not so good to have another day in the office that shows the sheer impossibility of running a health service when the politicians are using the Titanic business model - let the thing hit an iceberg then do nothing whilst it sinks. Enough, I should be more upbeat. 300 consecutive days of blipping. 100 felt like being wet behind the ears, 200 felt like being a little boy, this one feels like being a teenager.

I'll make the big 365 a celebration. A coming of age. Today is just another day, but it feels good to have got this far.

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