Friday Foto

By drmackem

At The Foot of The Cross

This evening I was on taxi duty having an Otley pick up for Ben and his gang. I set off a little early to see what the views were like from the Chevin at sunset.

I was suprised to see this large cross, apparently it goes up every year about now, but is my first sighting.

I've been pondering with yesterdays and todays blip photos how much a change of processing - in both cases to a more dynamic/contrasty black and white can change the narrative of the shot even with strong iconic images as this and yesterdays photo.

The current cross was made in 2000 and from wood salvaged from the damage of the bomb outrage in Manchester in 1996. It stands as a reminder that good can triumph over evil.
2 years after the Manchester bombings was the signing of the Good Friday agreement and the start of a move to peace in Ireland after years of violence and pain - often waged in the name of religeon.

where grace and suffering meet

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