Me, My Camera & I

By notgraham

Dog Piss

Today has been mostly spent tidying up the wee snaggy jobs in the new house. Painting the dings in the woodwork, walls and generally anything that wasn't right.
I think all the pictures that we've ordered are now hung......but I know that there are a shed load more on order from the web.

The depressing thing is that the housewarming BBQ might not happen with this cruddy weather we're having :-( - A bit miffed at that as I was hoping to get some meat cooked! - However watch this space!

With all our hard work behind us today I made chilli - not supremely hot, but bloody good if I might say so myself. This was evident with my better half not speaking 1 word during dinner as she ate. The leftovers are for tomorrow.
During the cooking I thought I would reward myself with a bottle of beer that was procured during Edinburgh's Taste Festival.
Opened poured and blipped. Sipped and then poured down the sink!
It wasn't the best! - left a horrid aftertaste in my mouth, looked like guiness - which I am not a fan of at the best of times.
Oh well will just have to stick to drinking Sol

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