
By Kaysha

First of the summer wine

I know, I know, it's been another sunny day. Yawn... Make the most of it, someone at A & D's nursery said that it would be snowing by the weekend. Really???

Both R and I managed to get out in the garden again today, him doing quotes, me weeding (again). I did manage to sip my way through an unexpected but beautifully cold glass of pinot grigio whilst killing dandelions, though . I had to wait until it had defrosted, however, after stumbling across it in the freezer compartment whilst looking for an ice lolly. Not like me to forget about wine, tut tut!

Thought I'd blip the bright yellow tree which stands proudly at the bottom of our garden, while it's still bathed in a warm glow. Speaking of warm glows, I think I may not have been generous enough with the sunscreen and am starting to glow a lovely shade of pink. The good old Scottish tan, gotta love it.

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